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DCT served a media aggregator that is home to iconic media brands like, The Independent and The Evening Standard, as well as a growing broadcast platform such as London Live.


The media aggregator wanted a true partner who would act as an extension of their team to support their media activities and initiatives.

DCT, being a one-stop-shop for media operations, decided to step in and support them with advertising, creative building and data and analytics.

Services Delivered

  • Ad Trafficking
  • Strategy and Setup
  • QA and Tag Management 
  • Campaign Management
  • Programmatic Yield Management 
  • Reports
    • Inventory Forecasting 
    • Network delivery reports
    • Reporting and insights
    • Custom dashboards
  • Testing & Troubleshooting
    • End to end testing for new launches. 
    • Indy100 Testing 
    • Video End-Board testing

DCT regularly supports a number of Adhoc projects – 

  • Rich media ad building/designing 
  • Site auditing
  • Ad Product Database using MS Power BI

Key Differentiators

DCT tailor-built a team to align with the client’s existing sales regions, creating highly functional 1-to-1 relationships with the sales staff.

This helped deliver end-to-end solutions covering optimized ad trafficking, campaign monitoring and optimizations, reporting, and account management, including client communications.

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