Work as per your choice – Adopt the Hybrid Model!

by DCT
May 6th, 2022
Work as per your choice – Adopt the Hybrid Model!

In the last couple of years due to the pandemic, many of us have gotten habitual to working from home. While few still believe going to the office, departmentalizing work and life otherwise works better. However, it depends from person to person. Moreover, looking at the current working scenario, the hybrid work model is best suitable for all, where one can opt to work from home or the office as per their choice.

Here are the quick benefits of Hybrid Work Model–

More productivity, more efficient
Few employees prefer to work from the office to avoid various potential distractions at home and focus on their work peacefully. It allows you to set your goals for the entire day and plan your entire week. Also, while working with your co-workers, you tend to work at a faster pace and achieve your targets within the timelines.

Whereas on the other hand, there are people who prefer working from home which offers them flexibility and the convenience of multi-tasking. They feel more creative in their space and have the confidence to accomplish their tasks without any exhaustion especially of traveling to the office and back home.

Research says the modern work culture cannot be restricted only to meeting rooms, cubicles, or working from home/office. An employee’s potential and productivity can be nurtured even with an interaction at the coffee machine or on a casual phone call while working remotely. All these activities ultimately benefit employee engagement and, as a result – the company as well in the long run.

Effective collaboration & brainstorming
Employees who are physically able to see and talk to each other one-on-one can find it easier to streamline their communication. Face-to-face discussions allow transparency and motivate people to collectively innovate & develop new ideas.

While others know exactly how to streamline their work while working remotely and achieve the expected results. They are highly efficient and comfortable, even if coordinating through remote areas, with their teammates and achieving the desired result.

Employees choosing their happiness
Bonding with a favourite co-worker eases work-related stress. The fact that you can talk about your challenges at work with someone trustworthy is a great relief. Yet again, some are comfortable having an in-person conversation while some prefer to do so via call. It is proven that people are more creative and productive when they are part of a positive inner work circle; Virtual or Physical. This leads to more positive emotions, stronger motivation for the employees, and reaffirming the positive perceptions towards the workplace.

Everything has its pros and cons. But it is essential to concentrate on the factors benefiting each individual that helps them to work in the best way. So, what is your New Normal? Are you ready to set it?

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