Secure your applications with zero trust security

by DCT
October 14th, 2022

The shift to digital has accelerated IT’s evolution. Cloud computing, big data, the Internet of Things (IoT), and mobile internet have all enhanced productivity for enterprises, but they have also made enterprise network infrastructures more complex.

A new security architecture is required to accommodate the contemporary and intricate enterprise network infrastructure as well as to address the significant network threat situation. As a result, security designs and security thinking naturally evolved into the Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA).

What is Zero Trust Security?

The use of rigorous identity verification for anyone wanting to access resources on a private network perimeter is part of the IT security strategy known as zero trust security. Or to put it another way, standard IT network security assumes that everyone and everything is safe. In a zero-trust architecture, nothing or no one can be trusted.

Zero Trust has taken the place of previous network security methods that used the “trust but verify” approach. The traditional method automatically trusted users and endpoints that were inside the organization’s perimeter, exposing it to potentially harmful internal actors and providing unauthorised wide access once they were inside.

Traditional method is not sufficient because threats and user attributes are all subject to change. As a result, enterprises must make sure that all access requests are regularly reviewed before permitting connection with any of their corporate or cloud assets.

You need to be able to see user credentials in real-time to enforce Zero Trust policies.

Why Zero Trust matters

Zero trust is one of the most effective security measures available today, even though no security measure is flawless and data breaches can never be entirely eradicated. Zero trust lowers the attack surface and reduces the effect and severity of cyberattacks, which cuts down on the amount of time and money needed to respond to breaches and to clean them up.

Not to mention that the best method for cloud security currently available is a zero trust security model. Given the amount of cloud, endpoint, and data sprawl in today’s IT settings, the capacity to not trust any connection without adequate verification is crucial. Additionally, from the administrator level all the way up to the CISO, IT and security will find life lot simpler as a result of the increased visibility.

A strong, all-encompassing security approach called “Zero Trust” helps firms operate more quickly and securely. In order to prevent data breaches, corporate apps must be secured. Getting it right can also improve user productivity and corporate process efficiency. This business benefit can be delivered via a zero trust security model. It essentially consists of an ecosystem of solutions working together to ensure that no person or device, whether they are connected to the network or not, is trusted by default and that authentication is necessary before accessing any apps.

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