Discover the 4 main pillars of UI designs

by DCT
May 3rd, 2021
App developer working on UI designs

With so many apps and platforms entering the OTT market and the likes of Netflix setting the standards of user experiences high, it is uber important to create designs keeping in mind the users’ subconscious behavior and how they typically engage with digital products.

While content remains the most important factor to ensure downloads of apps.

UI/UX plays a decisive role in retaining viewers and engaging with them. An intuitive, useful, user-friendly design can really set you apart.

Which is why we believe that it becomes uber important to design intuitive websites that meld form and substance into a total user experience. We create designs that are a perfect blend of form and function, websites that are designed and built for the people who use them.

When you’ve been around the block as many times as we have, one thing we know for sure is ensuring an easy navigation and personalized experience will be important to ensure the success of your platform.

Every great website that we love has two key features: utility and simplicity

The timeless philosophy of “keep it simple” is what guides us in our approach to every design we build for our clients.

Great design goes beyond just picking the right fonts, colors, and imagery.

All our marketing and design elements really boil down to helping customers experience a feeling that leads to taking an action (ideally making a purchase, or three).

There are four main pillars to our design:

  • Trust
  • Visual Appeal
  • Format
  • Navigation


Principle of Consistency

We make sure the design is consistent to limit the number of ways actions and operations are represented, ensuring that users do not have to learn new representations for each task.

Eliminating Confusion

Users tend to apply rules they’ve experienced outside of our website, bringing in a set of their own expectations. Knowing that, we make sure we’re not causing confusion and alienation. We have only used UI elements that are commonly used like menu bars, icons, scrollbars etc.


Yes, a design should look good. But we don’t stop (or even start) there.

A strong user interface starts with a blueprint backed by standards/best practices, but then is transformed with purposeful attractiveness.

Call to Action

Using color to our advantage – Different colors can inspire different feelings, emotions, and actions from people-because we want our viewers to convert, we have used color inspirations to our advantage.

Preview app content

Intuitive UI is the one which simplifies every aspect of the process. In the case of OTT platforms, it is important to simplify the process of discovering content.

Consistent Visual Elements throughout the site

The content, the UI elements, fonts, backgrounds and colors are in harmony and feel consistent at every touch point.



Accessibility in our design enables users of diverse abilities to navigate, understand, and use our UI. Every added button, image, and line of text increases the complexity of a UI.

We simplify how the UI is understood by using:

  • Clearly visible elements
  • Enough contrast and size
  • A clear hierarchy of importance
  • Key information that is discernable at a glance


We aim to elevate user experience through easy navigation.

If users find it difficult to navigate through the platform, they will abandon the website/app.

One of the most important areas of your website is the main header navigation.

A great web design guides user through a compelling, seamless journey that gets them to their destination – no matter what device they’re on.

In other words, there should be a clear link for users who have never visited your website.

Why dcafé?

Here at dcafé we get that your website is an extension of your brand. And we create designs that perform. We create powerful UI designs that deliver a seamless user experience across devices, web, iOS, Android, Roku, Apple TV, Android TVs, Firestick and Gaming consoles.

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