How blockchain transforms the streaming industry via new business models.

by ashish.shejwal
May 23rd, 2024

Over the last decade, video and music streaming have overtaken the entertainment world. However, the rapid growth of streaming services has also created significant challenges for the industry. Studio and label costs are paid in full by streaming services, but their revenue from advertising and subscriptions is sometimes insufficient. 

Some incur debt, sell user information, or violate personal space. As users attempt to dodge fees and advertisements, both legitimate and illicit websites contend with piracy. There are a ton of streaming options available to consumers, but it might be confusing. 

They have to handle several payments and apps, and material is frequently divided throughout services. Global media accessibility is difficult to achieve, as there are geographical restrictions. This is where blockchain technology offers some promising solutions through new business models. 

Top-Notch Benefits of Blockchain For The Streaming Industry

  1. Decentralizing Infrastructure

Legacy streaming platforms rely on centralized servers and databases. However, blockchain networks have no central point of control. Content and user data get distributed across peer-to-peer nodes. A streaming platform could encrypt and shred video files for decentralized storage and delivery.

This prevents single points of failure while enhancing reliability and playback speeds. No centralized intermediary would control the infrastructure or take a share of subscription fees. Costs could significantly drop as well.

  1. Transparent Analytics

Blockchain’s decentralized ledgers bring radical transparency. Content ownership and royalty distribution could become fully traceable for media assets. Publishers would gain precise analytics on file storage, purchases, and consumption. Artists may also track precisely how much- streaming income their work generates.

Smart contracts can automate royalty payouts, eliminating manual work and errors. Musicians could receive real-time micro-payments whenever songs are played instead of unreliable bulk transfers. By tracking media assets on the blockchain, transparency minimizes fraud while benefiting all industry participants.

  1. Unified Catalogs

In blockchain networks, unique digital IDs can tag and track media assets. A global indexing system would allow unified streaming catalogs. Users could easily browse and access any show, movie, or song with a single login across integrated platforms.

Recommendation algorithms may tap more data points to serve users better. Viewers likewise get a singular watchlist and playlist that travels with them across streaming services built on a blockchain architecture. Unified global catalogs thereby make discovering and enjoying content far more seamless.

  1. User-generated content and social streaming

YouTube pioneered user-generated streaming based on an ad-supported model. But content creators receive only a tiny share of the revenues while Google pockets most advertising dollars and data. Blockchain networks enable disintermediating this space for better incentive structures.

A decentralized streaming site may let influencers or artists upload original content while getting paid directly. Users, too, can earn tokens for curation, moderation, or even bandwidth sharing. The economics benefits actual content producers rather than corporations. Integrated cryptocurrency payments also facilitate user tipping and patronage, funding creativity.

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