Live, now simplified. The right way to do live OTT

by DCT
May 22nd, 2019
Popcorn scattered beside a remote

Streaming live events at scale is challenging. Traffic spikes can lead to outages. Storms can cancel events last minute. Any mistake can equate to a blank screen or leaked footage. Basically, you get one shot to do live right.

Live Event Operations

Schedule and operate live events with our trusted, managed service. Our experienced operations team can act as an outsourced master control center for broadcasters who have a large number of events to manage.

Transparent pricing

Pay only for the hours used: encoding, storage and streaming thanks to our simple pricing model.


Pay as you go: As a cloud-based platform with no expensive specialized appliances to buy and manage, we enable you to stream live events faster and with less upfront investment.

A fully integrated solution: Easily deliver live events with quality, simplicity and scale thanks to our enhanced support and monitoring features. No need to work with multiple suppliers; our vertically integrated solution can deliver the entire event.

Full event life cycle: Publish your entire live event life cycle from pre- to live to post-event, and finally VOD, using a single URL. Share clips during and after the event across social media and other digital platforms. Available as self-service through our platform or through our Live Event Operations managed service.

Live Streaming Features

Live scheduler and operator dashboard

Use the cloud-hosted scheduler and operator dashboard to help provision encoders, manage live feeds, insert digital ads and push slates.

Simple live event ingestion

Ingest a live source from the event site or point of origination using commodity hardware and minimal egress capacity (less than 5 Mbps for HD streaming).

Single URL

Publishing a single live-stream URL that transitions seamlessly between pre-event, live, post-event and VOD greatly simplifies the syndication of content to internal or third-party content management systems and apps.

Live to VOD

Immediately create on-demand content for playback without uploading or encoding a second time.

Live clipping

Quickly clip highlights of your live event to efficiently publish your content across mobile, social and web platforms. Clipping helps engage viewers on all platforms and creates a virtuous circle that drives linear channel engagement.

World-class content delivery network

Deliver flawless video streams across the globe with our Edgecast Content Delivery Network. Our CDN is powered by a global array of Super PoPs at massive scale and optimized for video streaming performance.

24 x 7 NOC monitoring and support

Rest assured that with a single phone call you can reach round-the-clock support with dedicated NOCs manned by engineering staff to solve any issues.

Analytics and insights

Get usage details and insights around device type, playback hours and starts, geographic distributions and more. Easy-to-read graphs and visualization tools help provide insights.

Why dcafé?

Here at dcafé we get that your website is an extension of your brand. And we create designs that perform. We create powerful UI designs that deliver a seamless user experience across devices, web, iOS, Android, Roku, Apple TV, Android TVs, Firestick and Gaming consoles.

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