Powering millions of live streams in 4k seamlessly

by DCT
April 22nd, 2021
A live stream of a basketball game on a laptop

Online streaming has become a successful business in recent years, with well-known brands rapidly increasing in popularity. Improvements in streaming technology continue this trend further, allowing advertisers to interact with consumers inventively. Watching the possible way forward for online streaming can assist you to ascertain how your business can interact with potential customers.

Get ready to go big.

Today’s streaming technologies can help you deliver sporting events with broadcast quality – even if you aren’t a major broadcaster with a big budget. To ensure you’re working with an OTT pro, consider these must-haves when evaluating a live streaming sports provider. Predicting the size of a streaming audience for a live sporting event is tough. Working with a streaming provider that has scalable capacity and a metered rate structure can take you from rags to riches. This enables you to cost-e?ectively deliver optimal-quality streams to your peak audience – whether it’s 10 or 10 million.

The rise of 4k connected TV adoption is becoming the streaming device of choice for sports fans. Consider a streaming provider equipped to encode and deliver in 4K, and beyond, so your streams are crystal clear, no matter where you’re streaming from or what device your viewers are using – all without having to upgrade your video workflow.

Live events are creating new options for combatting the decline in viewer tolerance for TV advertising. OTT’s expanded distribution opens up new viewer engagement and monetization possibilities. Work with a streaming provider who can create team and league channels, pay-per-game, enhanced viewing modes, and in-stadium experiences. Combined with targeted, dynamic ad insertion, and these new options can make limited advertising spots more relevant and valuable.

Whether it’s monetizing through dynamic ads or managing viewer restrictions, live events, especially live sports, need 1 to 1 session management. Improperly scaled manifest servers can add latency, and even break your streaming workflow, leaving viewers staring at a blank screen. Work with a streaming provider with scalable, cloud-based manifest servers that provision content across multiple availability zones, so your stream won’t break – even when millions push play at the same time

Get a CDN built for live sports streaming.

CDN’s aren’t new, they need been around since the dial-up days and have long been in use by the really big players like Yahoo and YouTube. But they’re now getting more readily available to where the prices are such, they’re accessible of lesser players also.

Is a CDN right for each situation? No, in fact, for several it’s overkill. alittle local organization with an area audience would get little or no benefit. Costs would outweigh what gains there could be.

CDNs optimized for live video do more than over an extensive network footprint to absorb viewer demand – they also provide configurations that deal with the chaotic nature of flash crowds – a sudden influx of viewers entering a live stream at once. Work with a streaming provider whose delivery network keeps video files on the edge, not your origin server, easily handling the demand for live video files from a sudden influx of millions of viewers.

Audiences crave the moments that only live sporting events can deliver. Our Live Event Operations have the people and technology to deliver live streaming sports flawlessly. From onboarding and preparation to acquisition and in-event and post-event services, we have the experience, knowledge, and skills to make your next live sports stream great. There are no fixed cost commitments, no systems to build, or resources to hire.

Why dcafé?

Here at dcafé we get that your website is an extension of your brand. And we create designs that perform. We create powerful UI designs that deliver a seamless user experience across devices, web, iOS, Android, Roku, Apple TV, Android TVs, Firestick and Gaming consoles.

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